Fingerprint Information
Fingerprinting is required for all applicants for the purpose of conducting a criminal history record check. The fingerprints remain on file with the California Department of Justice (DOJ), who provides reports to the Court Reporters Board of any future arrests and convictions on an ongoing basis (Authority: Business and Professions Code, Section 144). Two methods are available:
- Live Scan Process: You must use a Live Scan site located in California to use this method. The Board will NOT be able to receive results for fingerprints taken at Live Scan locations that are outside of California.
- Manual Fingerprint Process: If you are outside of California or are unable to access Live Scan, you must use the manual fingerprint (hard card) method.
Live Scan Process
If you are in California, you may obtain the form for Live Scan service from our website, complete the required fields, and take it to a Live Scan site with your processing fee. The current fingerprint processing fee for DOJ and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is $49.00.
At the Live Scan site, they will scan your fingerprints electronically and transmit them immediately for processing.
Visit the California Office of the Attorney General website for Live Scan locations. Most local law enforcement agencies in California have Live Scan equipment. Hours of operation and fees vary, so please contact the Live Scan site directly for information.
To get started:
- Download and complete the Live Scan form found here For detailed information on completing the Live Scan form, please see Live Scan Instructions.
- The form will print in triplicate; take all three copies to the Live Scan site with your processing fee.
- After your fingerprints have been scanned:
- First copy of form is kept by the Live Scan operator.
- Submit completed Live Scan form with your online First–Time application.
- Retain copy of Live Scan form for your records.
Manual Fingerprint Process
All Out–of–State applicants must mail two (2) completed FD–258 fingerprint cards to the Court Reporters Board along with the Request for Exemption From Mandatory Electronic Fingerprint Submission (Live Scan) Requirement Form (BCII 9004). (The Exemption form is needed to process the fingerprint cards and is not an exemption from being fingerprinted.) Fingerprint cards, exemption form, and fingerprint card instructions can be requested from the Board by contacting us here.
For detailed information on completing the fingerprint cards, please see the Fingerprint Card Instructions. The current fingerprint processing fee for DOJ and FBI is $49.00. Submit the application fee, examination fee(s), and fingerprint processing fee online when submitting your First–Time application. Failure to include the required fee will cause significant delays in the Board submitting hard cards to the DOJ. The DOJ will not process fingerprints without a fee. Processing times at DOJ and FBI can vary and are not under the control of the Board.
PLEASE NOTE: Prints MUST be taken by someone very experienced in taking fingerprints. Prints which are not properly rolled will be rejected, and you will have to submit a new set of prints, which will substantially delay the issuance of a license if you are successful on the exams.