Transcript Reimbursement Fund
Since 1981, the Court Reporters Board has administered the Transcript Reimbursement Fund (TRF), which is funded by annual license fees of Certified Shorthand Reporters. The purpose of the TRF is to provide transcript reimbursement costs to indigent litigants in civil matters.
There are two pathways to access the TRF: One path is available to pro bono attorneys representing indigent litigants. The other path is available to indigent litigants representing themselves (pro per, pro se, in propria persona). There are certain criteria to determine eligibility. For detailed information and the application process, please choose the appropriate pathway below.
The laws governing the TRF can be viewed here: (Business & Professions Code sections 8030.1 – 8030.10)
Transcript Reimbursement Fund Report to Legislature – 2022
Transcript Reimbursement Fund Report to Legislature – 2018
Pro Per Applicants
This section is for litigants who are representing themselves (pro se, pro per, in propria persona) in civil court and are seeking financial assistance with the cost of a court or deposition transcript via the Court Reporters Board's Transcript Reimbursement Fund (TRF). In order to receive financial assistance from the TRF, you must submit a completed application and a copy of the court-approved fee waiver to the Court Reporters Board.
Total disbursements to cover the costs of providing transcripts to all applicants appearing pro per is limited to a maximum of $2,500 per case.
For instructions on how to submit your application, please contact us here.
Pro Bono Applicants
The applicant must be a pro bono attorney, qualified legal services project, qualified support center, or other qualified project. If the applicant is a pro bono attorney, the case must have been referred to that attorney by a qualified legal services project, qualified support center, other qualified project, or the attorney must have been appointed by the court.
- Pro Bono Guidelines and Application
- Sample Letter – Qualified Nonprofit
- Sample Letter – Pro Bono Attorney
- Sample Invoice
- Sample Notice to the Court
- Payee Data Record (Std. 204)
For instructions on how to submit your application, please contact us here.
Applicants for either pathway may use the new online application and tracking system by registering here:
To avoid duplication, please do not submit applications via more than one method.